Bible Study 2/13: What does it mean to be transformed by the renewing of the mind?

Answer: The phrase “transformed by the renewing of the mind” is found in Romans 12:2. Chapter 12 marks the transition in that epistle from the apostle Paul’s theological teaching to his practical teaching. The book of Romans is probably the closest thing in the Bible to a systematic theology. Paul did not found the church...

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Bible Study 1/23: How can we commit our work to the Lord and have our plans established (Proverbs 16:3)?

Answer: Proverbs 16:3 states, “Commit your work to the LORD, / and your plans will be established” (ESV). This wonderful verse speaks of our responsibility to serve God and the result of discharging our duty faithfully. The first verb, commit, is a word that, in Hebrew, literally means “to roll.” Other passages such...

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Bible Study 12/5: What is spiritual maturity? How can I become more spiritually mature?

Answer: Spiritual maturity is achieved through becoming more like Jesus Christ. After salvation, every Christian begins the process of spiritual growth, with the intent to become spiritually mature. According to the apostle Paul, it’s an ongoing process that will never end in this life. In Philippians 3:12–14, speaking of full knowledge of...

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