Anthony Covington has been a resident of Sullivan County for more than 20 years. He fathers two wonderful children; his son Anthony L. Covington Jr.—a recent college graduate from Buffalo State University, and daughter, Selena Covington who is a high school student at Liberty Central Schools. Covington obtained his Associate Degree at Sullivan County Community College, then went on to pursue his Bachelor’s at Empire State College. He continued to excel in his studies, having completed his Masters of Public Administration at Walden University. Covington is currently working on his Doctor of philosophy in Public Administration, specializing in criminal justice. Prior to Covington’s involvement in B.A.T.S. for Veterans, he was the Regional Manager/ Asst. Vice President of Daytop of Dutchess and Sullivan County facilities. He held several additional administrative and leadership roles there, including the establishment of programs that served individuals who were in need of help. Covington’s responsibilities extended to the community, where he served on the Liberty Central School Board of Education. Covington’s time and efforts have been dedicated to the B. A. T. S. organization, since its recent foundation. He uses his knowledge and skills advantageously in this endeavor, as he anticipates its success in helping veterans who are in need of housing. Covington plans to ensure access to, and utilization of services that he feels these veterans truly deserve.